Children play the iron bars of river tracks meandering in that concrete maze, while the tree, forlorn in gray decrepitude, strides forth its wicked laugh, taunting cigar smoke and putrid breath of drink.
The old man lords his leaves fallen in the winter spectacle of snow, of purity deflowered – that molten sound of fury, its horns disheveled in a piercing cry of anguished sigh.
And who the child does play his fingers torn in blood red sputters scream of life gone wrong? And what the man the woman slashes faces of united severed bond?
In death, the nails encroach embittered growth upon the marrowed yellow of decaying bones, while bloom the flowers in that instant of destructive fire, annihilating souls, which must endure once more no more
Once a child refugee, Ana Fores-Tamayoadvocates for marginalized refugee families from Mexico and Central America. Working with asylum seekers is heart-wrenching, so poetry is her escape. She has published in The Raving Press, Laurel Review, Indolent Books and many other anthologies and journals, online and in-print. Her poetry in translation & photography have been featured at home and internationally. Through poetry, she keeps tilting at windmills.