Essence of Welcome Art & Writing Hearth at Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants
Waiting by N,
Watercolour on A4 paper
Communal poem from the Art and Writing Hearth at Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants, London, curated by Artists and Writers in Residence Sita Brahmachari, Jane Ray and Ros Asquith.
Enter smells of the Congo forest Enter Grandfather’s garden in Iran Enter mountain herbs of Greece and Italy Enter flora of Siberian Spring
Stirring cooking pots of Turkey and Algeria Flowering fruit of Ivory Coast Jasmine arbours of a Kolkata balcony Frankincense of ancient altars Mediterranean heat on oregano, lavender, thyme
Barefoot evening walk Herb scented soles Enter scent of peace Eyes closing on pain Soothing words in my language Touch of my hand Heartbeat slows Shoulders soften Sense-memory stirred
Bringing me back to My artist hands My carpenter’s hands My writer’s hands My trumpeter’s hands My grandmother’s cooking pot My hands that held my children Held in yours Now cared for Softened, smoothed and scented in oils I can find my own scent Two drops of rose oil bubble on the surface Then sink to the bottom of the carrier oil I watch its slow journey I take away with me this rich perfume This precious gift I name it ‘Essence of welcome’
The Art & Writing Hearth at Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants, run by Writers and Artists in Residence Sita Brahmachari, Jane Ray and Ros Asquith, has been integral to the centre’s wellbeing services for over a decade. The work from this weekly drop in class with a core of regular members has been exhibited in libraries at Amnesty International and in an exhibition for the UN, Voices on The Wind. Since the Global Pandemic we have moved the class from the creative room at the centre to online. The group is invited to respond to art inspirations by drawing, conversation or writing in the session. These patchwork pieces of creativity are shared and formed together into a communal poem. The writing and art of the group is then published on the website as an inspiration for the whole community. We hope to have more opportunities to exhibit and come together to celebrate the work in person in the future.
N has been a regular contributor of the Islington Art and Writing Class for many years. She studied art as an undergraduate and postgraduate both in her homeland and in Britain. Her paintings and sculptures have been exhibited widely.