vol 4.1, autumn 2024 || print issue available here
It all depends Khawla Badwan
What happened to lessons we learned at school The ones I believed when I was a fool
The songs about humanity The rules about equality
What happened to assemblies about voice And that we all can have a choice
The talks about standing up to the bully The stories about caring more fully
It turns out it all depends And that you should sit on the fence
It turns out we shouldn’t care Even if they suck the air
It turns out silence is gold No morals we should hold
Instead here are the new rules For the times of these ghouls:
When you see a child dying, terrified Hold your tears until nationality verified
Dr Khawla Badwan is a Palestinian-British academic whose scholarship explores language and social justice in education. She completed her BA in English Literature and Linguistics at the Islamic University of Gaza which was completely destroyed by Israel during the ongoing Gaza Genocide. Khawla holds a doctorate in Education. Her poetic screams are an attempt to use language to feel and bear witness.