Scotland Oasis Women’s Group at Maryhill Integration Network
Here is a picture of Clydebank. See the mix of the old and the new? Here is the kindness of my GP in the dark nights of winter, and the accent which belongs to my children now. Here: a bottle of rain, and of clear seawater and the light on the mountain and the rowan tree and a picture of my pals eating fish and chips.
Here are the grey skies and cloudy days and peace of mind. One drop of rain on a headscarf, Paisley patterned, in the colours of an Irn Bru sunset. I carry with me now that kindness and rain.
TheOasis Women’s Group at Maryhill Integration Network meet monthly to share stories and poems and use them as inspiration to create their own group poems. During Covid they’ve been meeting online but are looking forward to resuming their in -person group soon.