That day when our boat hit the hope-shore we met a barbed assurance and fringe welcome at gunpoint.
Time was ravaging and cruel our fate again clutched the back gear on the stormy front.
The dream of heaven was like a minor pregnant girl bleak and baleful;
a lazy siesta with bitter hunger was the talk of our eyes the passion for life was desolating.
We carried our coffins toward the deep waters cemetery.
Pitambar Naik is an advertising professional for a living. He’s a Poetry Editor for Minute Magazine. His work appears or forthcoming in Marble Poetry, Another Chicago Magazine, Packingtown Review, Mason Street Review, Rigorous, New Contrast, Ghost City Review, Glass Poetry, Cha Journal, The Indian Quarterly, Vayavya, Liquid Imagination and The World Belongs To Us HarperCollins India among others. The Anatomy of Solitude (Hawakal) is his debut book of poetry. He grew up in India.