vol 4.1, autumn 2024 || print issue available here
Sarajevo Andrea Damic
Thispoem wasinspired byEdna St.Vincent Millay’spoem ‘Ishall goback againto the bleak shore’. This poem is an ode to my hometown and my roots.
I shall go back again across the mountains and dark blue seas to the place of my youthful innocence where it all began, on the precipice of my past and future unknown to me at the time. I shall go back again to the valley of Miljacka River at the foot of Mount Trebević surrounded by Dinaric Alps to a city once called the ‘Jerusalem of Europe’ where diverse worlds and cultures collide where one can hear the sounds of church bells, synagogue music and adhan emanating across the same neighbourhood, to the city where myriad faiths and beliefs are displayed. I shall be gone to what I know and understand - one day to make peace with what was extirpated in the hope of finding that one un-sung corner unaffected by time from what it was when I was a child.
Andrea Damic, born in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, is an artist and writer living in Sydney, Australia. She thinks there’s something cathartic about seeing your words and art out in the world. You can see her work on her website: https://damicandrea.wordpress.com