seeking dreams in the street Loraine Masiya Mponela
a female friend tells me: ‘That night when I found the door locked and keys left inside of the door to block me
I closed my eyes tightly to make sure I wasn’t dreaming the third eye reached for the bush near by I wasn’t afraid of the cold nor humans
a multitude of snails shelled and non shelled licked me everywhere asking me to open my mouth for my food sensing I hadn’t eaten for days.
when I come to your house on the kitchen table do not serve snails as a dark reminder’
seeking dreams in the streets another female friend says to me: ‘For 4 days I hadn’t had a bath under the bridge where I lodged I became aware of my own smell I now bath twice a day
when I come to your house please don’t ask me why I bath twice paranoid I Am in case the smell returns.’
seeking dreams in the streets this male friend says in excitement: ‘Graveyard is the best of all! no one spat at me but realised I couldn’t speak I didn’t know if I was alive or not when I come to your house please don’t shut me off when I speak’
seeking dreams in the streets another male friend says: ‘Was very happy sleeping in old car safer than open space although I couldn’t stretch my legs
when I come to your house please don’t ask me to drive your cars’
seeking dreams in the streets and now my friend imagine for a second what else is going?
When I ask for my dignity back please don’t pretend to be ignorant.
Loraine Masiya Mponelais a community organiser and migrants rights campaigner based in Coventry, England. She is the Co-Chair for the #StatusNow4All ( campaign which is a campaign calling for indefinite Leave To Remain for everyone that needs it in UK and Ireland. Loraine is a member for Coventry Asylum and Refugee Action Group (CARAG), a peer-led self-organised community group. She is originally from Malawi. Loraine has a lovely son, Comfort and a daughter in-law Rumbani.