vol 4.1, autumn 2024 || print issue available here
The Beautiful Colours of our Colourless Wales Godwin Akinyele
How beautiful our colourful nation is to behold, When we all come together like a rainbow. Colours though unique, they’re not alone. In togetherness, they stay aglow, Shining to heal the world of sorrows. And if I cherish the beauty of the rainbow, If I cherish the healing and peace as a whole, Then, the beauty of our diversity I know.
The colour of our world is charming. Strength of our diversity is enchanting, When in a bond, we sweep like brooms, Forgetting the fray, the hates that bring segregation, To create a beautiful but colourless nation Where all we see in every person is human. Where everyone’s potential is harnessed Where humanity comes before nationality, To create a formidable nation without colours.
There is no peace devoid of love. Tolerance and togetherness build the world, Where everyone truly finds his worth. Where our colours are not our curse, But to a sick society, a cure, Where our differences aren’t our war, But a place where lost confidence is restored.
Hate divides and builds nothing. But our crumbling world needs builders’ minds. Hate in every form is a war; If expressed, yes, a war If merely conceived, it’s worse.
Light your candle, your light. Sheath the sword of hate and pride, As nothing thrives where there’s prejudice Regardless of who I am, let me live Let’s banish the darkness where hates hide Let’s Communicate life, Then, we have hates exiled. Hands together to abhor dislike, In our war against prejudice.
The Poet Godwin Akinyele is a UK-based Nigerian, an LLB (Law) graduate of University of London, a qualified senior paralegal, a passionate writer, a speaker, an advocate for refugees and asylum seekers. Godwin hosted the Refugees Week in 2020 with over 100 attendees, including Members of the Senedd. Godwin has won several awards and was recently invited by the King of the United Kingdom. He’s Married to Victoria with kids.