vol 4.1, autumn 2024 || print issue available here
The Names of the Earth Alberto Quero
I speak of distant places so that they continue to exist: I fear they will disappear if my memory does not contain them and stops naming them. That’s why I try to make my voice elastic, may it not break, may it not sink, I want to describe, with exact crudeness, what is exile so that those who have never knew it can imagine it and so that it weighs on those who caused it. My voice will reach someplace that I still don’t know, it will be an avalanche, slow music, prayer or furrow that persists.
However, there is no way to call what the escape leaves, nor what happens afterwards because the word transit doesn’t seem enough. I content myself by continuously believing that, maybe, one can put the hand on the earth and call it as one wills, not necessarily with the name that others gave it but any name, perhaps some secret word: after all, names and words are usually arbitrary forms of the same rushes
Alberto Quero was born in Venezuela and holds a BA in Literature and Linguistics, an MA in Literature, and a Doctorate in Humanities. He is a teacher of English, French and Spanish and the correspondent for Latin America at CKCU FM 93.1 in Ottawa. He has published six books of short stories, two books of poetry, numerous academic papers, and is winner of several literary awards. Alberto’s texts have been compiled in multiple anthologies.