What’s eats up Baba?
Musembi wa Ndaita self-translated from Kiikamba by the poet Quarrels and fights are to father as a spoon is to a plate, once a serene dove unfazed by life’s storms, his tongue, a river of honey, tales like melodies from a radio, but now, Baba and quarrels, inseparable as conjoined twins. Quarrels and fights are to father as tea is to a cup, once bold as simba, never bowed, he’s a hen that’s sighted an eagle, Monday an invalid in bed, Tuesday the market and alcohol. Quarrels and fights are to father as alcohol is to the village drunk, after mother left, left for Zamani, the land of our ancestors, and Baba left, left in the land of pumpkins and sweet potatoes, Baba’s heart dark, mouth burdened with the weight of lost love. |
Tata nikyau?
Musembi wa Ndaita Tata ndata na iteta, nota isaani na kisiko, tata ndanetetaa, anai muui ta ivui, wasya muyo ta uki, ngewa tu ta kameme. Indu yu, tata na iteta, nota ivatha na yingi. Tata ndata na iteta, nota kikombe na Kyai, tata ndanetetaa, ukumbau wa Munyambu, indi yu, tata wia nota nguku yoona kilui, waambililya kitandani ta muwau, wakeli soko na uki. Tata ndata na iteta, nota kimee na muthengi, mami athi kuu, kuu kwaa aumae, nake tata atiwa kuu kwaa malenge na makwasi, ngoo ya tata kivindu tu na iteta tu. |