vol 4.1, autumn 2024 || print issue available here
Words of a feather TWP Tilden
What are words of promises against ideologies of push in a face-off, toe-to-toe? See there: how the ensconced bright and popular remonstrate! Inundation of hashtags and whines! While bold and devout counterparts, unconcerned with mass consumerism or congeniality, strategize, biding time. See eager Afghans cling to the Sun vainly daring to piggyback on its course. All the faith in Allah and human will cannot grip against its accelerated run. They fall. Undone. Like so many before, and everafter, who flirt against gravity with wings of broken words they fall hurdling through air of promises, fear, regrets to the ground of unforgiving reality.
TWP Tilden is an American expat living between Barcelona, Spain and Munich, Germany. Apart from writing, his interests include politics, psychology, film. He actively competes in amateur golf and wrestling contests.